66 research outputs found

    Measuring the influence of concept detection on video retrieval

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    There is an increasing emphasis on including semantic concept detection as part of video retrieval. This represents a modality for retrieval quite different from metadata-based and keyframe similarity-based approaches. One of the premises on which the success of this is based, is that good quality detection is available in order to guarantee retrieval quality. But how good does the feature detection actually need to be? Is it possible to achieve good retrieval quality, even with poor quality concept detection and if so then what is the 'tipping point' below which detection accuracy proves not to be beneficial? In this paper we explore this question using a collection of rushes video where we artificially vary the quality of detection of semantic features and we study the impact on the resulting retrieval. Our results show that the impact of improving or degrading performance of concept detectors is not directly reflected as retrieval performance and this raises interesting questions about how accurate concept detection really needs to be

    Stability of Scalar Fields in Warped Extra Dimensions

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    This work sets up a general theoretical framework to study stability of models with a warped extra dimension where N scalar fields couple minimally to gravity. Our analysis encompasses Randall-Sundrum models with branes and bulk scalars, and general domain-wall models. We derive the Schrodinger equation governing the spin-0 spectrum of perturbations of such a system. This result is specialized to potentials generated using fake supergravity, and we show that models without branes are free of tachyonic modes. Turning to the existence of zero modes, we prove a criterion which relates the number of normalizable zero modes to the parities of the scalar fields. Constructions with definite parity and only odd scalars are shown to be free of zero modes and are hence perturbatively stable. We give two explicit examples of domain-wall models with a soft wall, one which admits a zero mode and one which does not. The latter is an example of a model that stabilizes a compact extra dimension using only bulk scalars and does not require dynamical branes.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes to text, references added, matches published versio

    Gluino Decays in Split Supersymmetry

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    We compute the gluino lifetime and branching ratios in Split Supersymmetry. Using an effective-theory approach, we resum the large logarithmic corrections controlled by the strong gauge coupling and the top Yukawa coupling. We find that the resummation of the radiative corrections has a sizeable numerical impact on the gluino decay width and branching ratios. Finally, we discuss the gluino decays into gravitino, relevant in models with direct mediation of supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Membership duration in a Spanish Union : a survival analysis

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    This article presents an analysis of the characteristics that are associated with union membership duration using data from the membership registers of the largest Spanish trade union: Comisiones Obreras (CCOO, Workers' Commissions). Making use of survival analysis techniques, the results indicate that the shortest membership durations and the highest risks of leaving are associated with workers with poor employment conditions, mainly youth and foreigners, as well as those in firms, economic sectors, and territories where the union has a rather weak presence. As workers in these situations represent the majority of both current joining and leaving rates, the article concludes that retention policies should focus on the early stages of union membership

    NLSP Gluino Search at the Tevatron and early LHC

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    We investigate the collider phenomenology of gluino-bino co-annihilation scenario both at the Tevatron and 7 TeV LHC. This scenario can be realized, for example, in a class of realistic supersymmetric models with non-universal gaugino masses and t-b-\tau Yukawa unification. The NLSP gluino and LSP bino should be nearly degenerate in mass, so that the typical gluino search channels involving leptons or hard jets are not available. Consequently, the gluino can be lighter than various bounds on its mass from direct searches. We propose a new search for NLSP gluino involving multi-b final states, arising from the three-body decay \tilde{g}-> b\bar{b}\tilde{\chi}_1^0. We identify two realistic models with gluino mass of around 300 GeV for which the three-body decay is dominant, and show that a 4.5 \sigma observation sensitivity can be achieved at the Tevatron with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb^{-1}. For the 7 TeV LHC with 50 pb^{-1} of integrated luminosity, the number of signal events for the two models is O(10), to be compared with negligible SM background event.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures and 3 tables, minor modifications made and accepted for publication in JHE

    Gluino Decay as a Probe of High Scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    A supersymmetric standard model with heavier scalar supersymmetric particles has many attractive features. If the scalar mass scale is O(10 - 10^4) TeV, the standard model like Higgs boson with mass around 125 GeV, which is strongly favored by the LHC experiment, can be realized. However, in this scenario the scalar particles are too heavy to be produced at the LHC. In addition, if the scalar mass is much less than O(10^4) TeV, the lifetime of the gluino is too short to be measured. Therefore, it is hard to probe the scalar particles at a collider. However, a detailed study of the gluino decay reveals that two body decay of the gluino carries important information on the scalar scale. In this paper, we propose a test of this scenario by measuring the decay pattern of the gluino at the LHC.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures; version published in JHE

    Sparticle masses in deflected mirage mediation

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    We discuss the sparticle mass patterns that can be realized in deflected mirage mediation scenario of supersymmetry breaking, in which the moduli, anomaly, and gauge mediations all contribute to the MSSM soft parameters. Analytic expression of low energy soft parameters and also the sfermion mass sum rules are derived, which can be used to interpret the experimentally measured sparticle masses within the framework of the most general mixed moduli-gauge-anomaly mediation. Phenomenological aspects of some specific examples are also discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, references adde

    Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions in CalcHEP/CompHEP

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    We present an implementation of the model of minimal universal extra dimensions (MUED) in CalcHEP/CompHEP. We include all level-1 and level-2 Kaluza-Klein (KK) particles outside the Higgs sector. The mass spectrum is automatically calculated at one loop in terms of the two input parameters in MUED: the radius of the extra dimension and the cut-off scale of the model. We implement both the KK number conserving and the KK number violating interactions of the KK particles. We also account for the proper running of the gauge coupling constants above the electroweak scale. The implementation has been extensively cross-checked against known analytical results in the literature and numerical results from other programs. Our files are publicly available and can be used to perform various automated calculations within the MUED model.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, invited contribution for New Journal of Physics Focus Issue on 'Extra Space Dimensions', the model file can be downloaded from http://home.fnal.gov/~kckong/mued

    LHC String Phenomenology

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    We argue that it is possible to address the deeper LHC Inverse Problem, to gain insight into the underlying theory from LHC signatures of new physics. We propose a technique which may allow us to distinguish among, and favor or disfavor, various classes of underlying theoretical constructions using (assumed) new physics signals at the LHC. We think that this can be done with limited data (510fb1)(5-10 fb^{-1}), and improved with more data. This is because of two reasons -- a) it is possible in many cases to reliably go from (semi)realistic microscopic string construction to the space of experimental observables, say, LHC signatures. b) The patterns of signatures at the LHC are sensitive to the structure of the underlying theoretical constructions. We illustrate our approach by analyzing two promising classes of string compactifications along with six other string-motivated constructions. Even though these constructions are not complete, they illustrate the point we want to emphasize. We think that using this technique effectively over time can eventually help us to meaningfully connect experimental data to microscopic theory.Comment: 50 Pages, 13 Figures, 3 Tables, v2: minor changes, references adde